Valerie Bacharach | “Momento Mori” |
Ujjvala Bagal-Rahn | “Just Enough House” |
Ned Balbo | “O Christmas Tree,” and “That Which We Discard We Also Cherish” |
Madeleine Barnes | “Key Rock,” and “Self Portrait in My Mother’s Closing Lines” |
Michelle Boczek Evory | “Absolution,” and “Dislocation” |
Rick Campbell | “Parable of the Forest Pygmy,” and “Forgetting the Nicene Creed” |
Joseph Capista | “Room for Error,” “Myth,” and “Song” |
Gary Ciocco | “Being and Becoming” |
TS Coody | “Mimesis” |
Jim Daniels | “With Apologies to the Tom Tom Club,” and “At Last” |
Anthony DiMatteo | “Every Time” |
gary fincke | “The Hands” |
Jeff Friedman | “Giver of Gifts,” “Terrorists,” and “Lost Memory” |
Molly Fuller | “Home Again, Home Again,” and “Tale of the Flopsy Bunny” |
Joy Gaines-Friedler | “Daffodils,” “Act 20:14,” “Traveling with the Band,” and “The Children’s Ward” |
George Guida | “Trip Wire,” and “The story of a Life” |
Luke Hankins | “A Voice out of the Ruins” |
Gretchen Heyer | “Pasiphae Answers Questions,” “Missionaries Breakfasted on the Word of God,” and “Jute, Two Inches in Diameter” |
Tom Hunley | “My Chili Recipe (An Ars Poetica)” and “Questions for Further Study” |
Anna Jacobson | “This is to That” |
Peter Johnson | “Vaccination, in the Broadest Sense of the Term,” “Crickets,” and “Nice Socks” |
Richard Jordan | “Jesus in the Café,” “With Feathers,” and “Mackerel Day” |
Elizabeth Kerlikowske | “At 45th Parallel, Halfway Between the Equator and the North Pole,” and “Tabula Rasa” |
Nina Kossman | “Kharkiv” |
Gerry LaFemina | “Fantastic Imaginary Creatures,” “Happy Pigs,” and “Bad Medicine” |
Joseph Lerner | “The Black Egret” |
Geri Lipschultz | “Aphrodite in Manhattan” |
Lorette C. Luzajic | “Feathers,” and “January River” |
Gary McDowell | “Prose Poem on the Nature of Things; or, Armchair Philosophy,” and “Another Apocalypse” |
Kathleen McGookey | “Night Sky with Calculus Worksheet” |
Jennifer Militello | “Identifying the Pathogen,” “Dear B,” and “Antidote with Attempts at Diagnosis” |
Robert Miltner | “Wolf Dancing,” and “Hopeless” |
Erin Murphy | “Ekphrasis,” “Gerunding,” and “Hula Dancer” |
kerry neville | “Decade” |
Robert Perchan | “The Unselfish Elfins with their Trusty Hammers,” “At Home with Marlboro Jones,” and “The Orgun Box Junkies” |
Christine Rhein | “Drone Pilot,” and “Sunday Night Retail” |
Jane Satterfield | “Latin 121,” and “Abbreviated Inventory” |
Katherine Smith | “Crossword,” and “Quilt” |
Joshua Michael Stewart | “Yellow,” and “Book of Love” |
Virgil Suárez | “Chinese Weather Balloon” |
Matthew Thorburn | “A Hundred Birds,” and “How it Starts” |
Eric Torgersen | “My Blindness” |
Patricia Valdata | “Mayfly” |
Doug Van Gundy | “Sideshow, Barbour County Fairgrounds, 1975,” and “To Join the Circus” |
Elinor Ann Walker | “Object Impermanence,” and “Fugue State” |
Greg Watson | “Why I Live in a Cold Climate” |
Cathy Wittmeyer | “Max Beckmann, Still Life with Fallen Candles, oil on canvas, 1929,” and “Otto Dix, Horse Cadaver, etching & drypoint, 1924” |
George Yatchisin | “Leap Year” |
Michael T. Young | “Quoting Blake to Mother,” and “Sweaty Palms” |