Returning from Appalachia ahead of Hurricane Helene
I write seeking to help Appalachia. As I begin to recover from the COVID I brought home with me from my three week trip to Appalachia, I’m finding it hard to discuss all the fun we just had there. I left Asheville last Sunday, September 22, 2024. The weather was fine. I had a near perfect three-day drive home. I got back home Tuesday evening. The storm hit Thursday/Friday. And just like that, those beautiful places I just got to know were devastated. I’m still reeling as I see people’s homes floating down rivers that weren’t there the day before.
I took a lot of sunrise, sunset, and high elevation photos, because for a few days, I stayed in downtown hotels in both Knoxville, Tennessee, and Asheville, North Carolina, which allowed me a birds eye view. I found myself leaping up at all hours to rip the curtains back, ready for some fabulous view. It was my first trip to the Great Smokey Mountains, and I loved every minute of it. I’m glad Linda Parsons made me get out, because I was planning to spend the whole time writing and editing. My one big regret is that I didn’t spend the money to visit the Biltmore Estate.
The situation is so severe around Asheville, in particular, with roads washed out, even whole towns washed away, that it is still hard to communicate with some people. Information from aid organizations is slow percolating, but I’ve been able to find this link to one group who is collecting donations. [Since I wrote this post asking people to help Appalachia we’ve seen amazing resilience. Sad that sometimes a tragedy is what it seems to take to show the best of ourselves.]
Follow this link to a list of needed items with instructions about collection points and other ways to help Appalachia:
Here’s the United Way of North Carolina, where you can donate directly to the Hurricane Helene recovery fund. https://www.unitedwaync.org/
For up to date news, and lots more photos post Helene, (when we said “help Appalachia” we had no idea we’d see such an amazing outpouring…) try this link: https://www.citizen-times.com/picture-gallery/news/local/2024/09/29/asheville-nc-floods-relief-efforts-continue-after-helene-devastation/75441983007