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Poetry, Art, and Language!

Sisypha Larvata Prodeat by Jan Cole, art by Adelina Moya in English, French, and Chinese

Multilingual Poetry and Art

We are excited to report that our multilingual poetry book by Jan Cole, Sisypha Larvata Prodeat, is nearing completion. We are equally happy to report that we have received grant funding from the Huntsville Arts Council to help us with promotion for the book and for Huntsville through poetry readings and art display (featuring Adelina Moya’s vibrant images) at the Wynne Home in Huntsville, Texas. Here is a poster we’d be honored to have you share. Note that the book cover is not in its final version yet.

Sisypha Larvata Prodeat by Jan Cole, art by Adelina Moya in English, French, and Chinese

ISBN: 978-1-948692-00-7 paper $15.95
6×9. 114 pp.
Literary Poetry, English, Chinese, French
October 2018
Madville Publishing
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AWP 2018 Round Up

Columbia--Gem of Spanish Restaurants in Tampa, Florida

2018 in Tampa

The 2018 AWP Conference in Tampa, Florida blew by like a whirlwind. Kim Davis was in attendance along with her colleagues from Texas Review Press, The Texas Review, and the Goliad Review & Press. Kim moderated a reading with her friends from Goliad, Joseph D. Haske and Michael Gills entitled, “The Places America Forgot: A Reading of Rural Fiction.” She got to spend time Goliad editors John Molina, Joe Haske, and Daniel Mendoza as well as Goliad author Ron Cooper and his wife Sandra. Sandra Cooper then provided a conduit to an amazing group of women writers all connected to Luanne Smith. Meals were consumed, alcohol was drunk, and it was a lot of fun. The high point, however, was a panel on Saturday arranged and moderated by Luanne Smith: “Writing Bad Ass & Nasty Women.” The speakers for this panel included Pam Houston, Kim Addonizio, and Bonnie Jo Campbell all amazing authors who spoke with inspirational fire that pulled the audience to its collective feet.

The wine cellar at the Columbia in Ybor City.
The tall blond at the back is Lisa Lanser Rose, to her right is Kim Davis, to her right is Suzanne Heagy, then in front are Luanne Smith and Laura Lee Morris. All were invited into the wine cellar at the Columbia Restaurant in Ybor City, Tampa Florida. The Spanish food was delicious, and the wine list was more comprehensive than Webster’s Unabridged!
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Madville Attended AWP 2018–sort of

We were there… sort of

Madville Publishing, LLC, was not quite an entity when Kim attended AWP in Tampa in 2018. The conference for Creative Writing Programs is a huge annual event, that creative writers should all attend at least once. 2018 was no different, and Kim saw many of her writing friends in Tampa in 2018. She was either at the The Texas Review Press Booth, or the Goliad Review & Press table, both presses where she worked at one time.
Kim’s schedule at AWP 2018:
Thursday 3:00 – 5:00 PM
Author signing–Curt Eriksen, A Place of Timeless Harmony
(Kim had the pleasure of editing this book and doing the layout and design for it.)
Thursday 4:30-5:45 PM
Kim moderated the panel, “The Places America Forgot”
(Michael Gills and Joseph D. Haske read their fiction.)
Friday 1:00-3:00 PM
Author signing–Theodora Bishop, On the Rocks

(Kim had the pleasure of editing this book and doing the layout and design for it.)
Friday 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Author signing–Michael Gills, The House Across from the Deaf School and The Death of Bonnie and Clyde and Other Stories 
(Kim had the pleasure of editing Michael’s most recent book and doing the layout and design for it.)
Saturday 11:30-1:30 PM
Author signing–Lindsay Illich, Rile & Heave