Audiobook Now Available:
No Evil is Wide by Randall Watson, read by Nick Gilley.
We count ourselves extremely fortunate to have Nick Gilley lending his rich deep voice to the project, and we are happy to announce that the No Evil is Wide audiobook is now available on Audible, iTunes, and Amazon. Mark our words, you’ll be seeing and hearing more from Nick Gilley. He is a unique talent.
About the book:
No Evil is Wide is a violent story of an unnamed narrator, the prostitute he is tasked to “find,” and Carpenter Wells, the man who makes it impossible for the narrator or the girl to return to the lives they knew. The remembrances of the narrator revolve around sexual awakening, family distance and dissolution—how they crumble to common and inevitable animalism. The story is filled with philosophical epistles to the reader while the world devolves into a chaotic madness of bombings and destruction not dissimilar to a potential contemporary existence that waits just over the horizon. It offers an uncanny reminder of the everyday violence we overlook.