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Writer’s World Workshop

Writers World workshop mini shows a split screen with an old typewriter on the left in yellow, and a laptop on a turquoise background on the right

The Writer’s World Workshop took place yesterday, and many thanks to the And I Thought Ladies, Jade and Wilnona for inviting Kim Davis to speak about Madville Publishing and small press publishing in general. What a whirlwind! Many connections were made and much information was shared in a short period of time. Pre-Covid, we didn’t see this sort of digital gathering in which people from all around the country came together, spoke candidly and laughed together about our crazy industry.

Attendees ran the gamut from right across the industry. There were writers, screenwriters, publicists, Hollywood producers, and publishers. Madville was in good company.

Who attended?

  • Rose Drew – CEO of Stairwell Books –
  • Rosemerry Trommer opened with a beautiful poem – daily poems and,
  • It was lovely to meet Janet Todd, who joined from England where a storm named Eunice was raging outside her window. She rejoined the conversation periodically throughout the day, and she was delightful. Her most recent book is Jane Austen and Shelley in the Garden. At one point, Janet Todd drew a connection for us between Jane Austen’s development as it related to Brandy Miller’s talk. She also told us about the Lucy Cavendish College Fiction Prize for women, which is now open.
  • Kathy Murphy How to attract Book clubs- Pulpwood Queens Kathy L. Murphy, CEO and Founder of The International Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Club Reading Nation.
  • Angela Anderson – Marketing 101 (Book PR/Marketing). Angela is a certified word nerd, who provides quality services including literary coaching, marketing, promotions, and literary cafe events in excellence, the Angela Anderson Presents way. Read about angela here:
  • Sean Connors – Dr. Connors teaches courses on young adult literature and graphic novels. He also works with English education interns in the Master of Arts in Teaching program.
  • Victorine (New York Times Bestselling Author) “How to create a book Cover.”
  • Amy Ferris (author, screenwriter, editor and playwright). Co-director story summit Learn about Amy Ferris here:
  • Parasian hostess Tamara (How to Dress Your Brand) – Creator of The Parisian Hostess Brand of hand made essential oil products, Pin Up Personality, creator of Bombshell Academy Bootcamp. Read about the Parsian hostess here:
  • Charlie Rossiter,, gave a great talk about poetry. He talked about “forest bathing” and the amusing habit we have of naming things like being in the woods. He invited us to feel the earth beneath us.
  • Susan Wingate talked about podcasting.,
    She said there are very few platforms (podcasts where they talk about books) where you can post fiction free of charge. Most cost $250-$750 for them to share information about your book. In response to this, Susan started Dialog Between the Lines. She was asked about services for podcasts and recommended pod beam and Buzz sprout, with Sound cloud taking third place because it isn’t quite as easy to use. Next, Susan inspired everyone with a discussion of MFA programs and told us how she has worked on an MFA durning COVID and how much she’s learned. It’s interesting to hear about a multi-published author doing her MFA.
  • B. Daniel (B.D.) Watkins, chief programmer for I Elevate Plus TV. She is a Hollywood producer who talked about the differences between writing for screen and writing for print. She tried to give a true picture of what it is like to write for TV, and told how it has been hard for her to go back to writing books where the author has to tell everything. If we want to get a book to Hollywood, we need to investigate creating a Pitch deck, then writing a screenplay. And we need a logline.
  • Tonya Todd, a writer/actress. She hosts the Dime Grinds podcast, and loves to have authors read and talk about their work. Her most recent short story is in Love in the Dunes: Las Vegas Writers on Passion and Heartache. Her podcast is, and she could always use more subscribers to her newsletter!
  • Gabriel ClevelandCavanKerry Press – a nonprofit literary press founded in 2000.
  • Madeline Goldman. Publicity and Marketing. Madweek Marketing. Contact her at . Madeline also writes under the pen name, Adele Royce, and she invited us to look at and comment on her lovely new author’s website: 
  • Recorded reading and interview with Amy Ferris. “Loveletter to Women” Read about women supporting women. Hope and confidence. 
  • Alex Creswick – film producer – gave a general weather report for the industry. To sum in up, it’s a rough time because of Covid restrictions, but if you have a script with a low production budget and not too many actors, you have a better
  • Lauren Marino, author of What Would Dolly Do? also Bookish Broads: Women who Wrote themselves into History. Lauren had great advice and info for other authors about the publishing process because not only is she an author, she works for Hachette.
  • D C Gomez gave up some insider secrets about how to get onto the USA Today Bestsellers.
  • David Legere of Woodhall Press, They’re currently accepting all sorts of things. Check their website.

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Find us at #AWP21

#AWP21 Conference & Bookfair March 3-7, 2021
#AWP21 is virtual this year, and since we want to see you, we put together this guide to help you can find us.

How to find Madville Publishing if you are attending #AWP21:

Once you have logged into the #AWP21 Conference & Bookfair, you should see the Lobby: (This point is a little confusing because the conference is actually taking place on a website that is different from the usual AWP website. We expect they’ll sort that out and make it very clear for you when you log in, but if they don’t, this is the URL for the Conference. You’re going to have to do some trial and error to figure out where to actually log in.)Bookfair, Bookshop, and EventsClick the Bookfair icon, then search for “Madville” in the search window at top right.
In combination with our good friends at Kestrel, we will be hosting a


Thursday, March 4, from 6:30-7:45
(central standard time)

Join Madville Publishing and Kestrel, a Journal of Literature and Art, in a virtual reception. Bring your favorite drink and share the screen with recent contributors and authors.

Readers will be: Rick Campbell, Jeff Gundy, Cynthia Hogue, Marlene Olin, Keith Stahl, Wondra Chang, Jessica Temple, Lee Zacharias, Bonnie Jo Campbell, and Kim Addonizio.

To join the event: From the “Lobby,” click the EVENTS icon and search for Madville in the top right search window. The meeting will take place over Zoom.

To enter the Zoom meeting, click “Join Meeting” in this session page at the event’s start time. Should you need keyboard navigation of Zoom, please explore the keyboard shortcuts prior to the meeting. AWP’s Accessibility Guide for using Zoom can be found in the Files section of this event session. A URL to live-captions will be provided prior to the meeting start time.
Of course you’ll find us at the virtual bookfair

The Interactive Bookfair will be open throughout the conference. However, the schedule has been organized so that special hours have been set aside when nothing else is going on so attendees can focus on the bookfair. Those special times are: 

Thursday, March 4, 2:30-4 p.m. CST
Friday, March 5, 2:30-4 p.m. CST
Saturday, March 6, 2:30-5 p.m. CST 

Author Meet & GreetsThursday:
     Wondra Chang at 10-11 CST
     Jessica Temple at 1-2 CST
     Lee Zacharias  at 12-1 CST
     Bonnie Jo Campbell at 12-1 CST.
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Dress Code for AWP20 in San Antonio

AWP20 ad with Madville/Kestrel events

What should you wear to AWP20 in San Antonio this year?

For those who do not know, AWP is the Association of Writers & Writing Programs, and their annual conference is coming up:

#AWP20 Conference and Bookfair

San Antonio, TX
Henry B. González Convention Center
March 4–7, 2020

Key Dates

Materials to View/Download

Social Networking

[I wrote the following observations following #AWP17 in Tampa, though it feels like I started writing them at #AWP16 in Washington DC. I hope my attempt at sarcasm offends everyone equally, but no one gravely!-KD]

I’ve just attended the 2017 Association of Writing Programs (AWP) conference with some 13,000 students and faculty from writing programs and universities around the United States in attendance. I sat among representatives of small presses in the cavernous hall that housed the book market. Everyone was trying to attract students to their writing programs, authors to their submission pages, and buyers to their books. Meanwhile, a profusion of recent MFA and PhD grads schmoozed and congratulated one another comparing notes about the dismal state of the academic job market and reminiscing about grad school. Many had job interviews in hotel rooms scheduled around the trendy off-site readings and parties, though with the advent of the Skype interview, the formerly nerve-wracking AWP interview is not now the right of passage it once was. Still, the young guns found their old friends and discussed who had landed increasingly rare tenure-track jobs and who was still on the market and spending hard-earned adjunct wages to be there. They compared the climates of their respective universities—politically and meteorologically. They drank too much and slept too little, while seasoned faculty members chaperoned grad students—the target consumer group for the massive book fair and the audience for the panel discussions and readings in and around the conference.

I sat behind a crenellated battlement of books I couldn’t even give away and watched people stream past for all three days of the conference. White male Boomer-aged professors wore sports coats and jeans, grey pony tails and earrings the fashion accessories of choice. The African American tenured men favored bright silks and glistening shaved heads. All wore “cool” more comfortably than their female counterparts, who, apart from the tastefully professional African American women, appeared to be either crones or mutton-dressed-as-lamb. Since I fall on that spectrum myself, I feel qualified to comment. The crones gossiped a little too loudly, hair in awkward tufts, mascara smudged, while the mutton-dressed-as-lamb draped chic, risqué clothing over skeletal frames a little too casually, their entourage of graduate assistants shielding them from direct light.

The newly tenured wore uniforms of respectability, tattoos covered. Button-down shirts and sweater vests for the men and blouses over cigarette-skirts for the women with stockings and sensible pumps. The millenials dressed in predictable gender-blended variations, hairstyles their most obvious concession to fashion. Extravagant undercuts and outlandish color declaring their lifestyle choices. Students showed facial-jewelry, body art, and outlandish clothes, while professors favored short buzz-cuts.

And there were poets everywhere. At off-site readings, I listened to angst-ridden verses about sex—childhood abuse, and low self-esteem. Young poets marveled that anyone would have them and ended in despair. Old poets read about their mortality, exploring the seasons through metaphor inevitably resigning themselves to the inevitable. Veterans read in the staccato rhythm of gunfire ending abruptly. Despite the repetitive themes, the abundance of creative writing programs has brought about a renaissance in poetry, but knowing how difficult it is to sell poetry, I expressed my dismay at this situation to Michael Gills—a seasoned fiction writer and professor in jeans and cowboy boots. He set me straight explaining that, in his view, all these programs obviously turned out far more writers than we need, but each of those new writers is also a voracious reader. It’s a kind of writerly-readerly circle jerk.

At the end of the day, when selecting what to pack for AWP20 in San Antonio March 4-8, remember who the audience will be. And remember what you are there for. If you want to sell books, dress like someone who belongs on a university campus. “Business casual” is always safe, but if something more casual is appropriate for your audience, then wear that. Be yourself.

What will the weather be like?

We can guarantee that the weather in San Antonio, Texas, is warmer than where you come from. But it will be early march. You shouldn’t need more than one of the following: a light jacket, blazer, hoodie, or cardigan. Bring light weight clothes you can layer. We predict that we’ll all start shedding layers by lunchtime.

Generally in March, San Antonio maintains an average daily high temperature between 71 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 25 degrees Celsius), while the average low temperature ranges between 48 and 54 °F (9 to 12 °C). 56% average humidity. San Antonio tends to get about nine days of rain most years during the month of March. Be sure to have a look at the forcast a few days ahead of your departure for San Antonio.

Where can you find Madville Publishing at #AWP20?

We’ll be in the Bookfair in San Antonio this year, at booth number 1658 alongside our friends at Kestrel Journal of Literature and Art.

A close up of the AWP 2020 book fair map showing Madville's booth #1658 in Sponsors Row


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New Titles for #AWP20

AWP 2020 Logo

We will have a bunch of new titles on hand at AWP20 in San Antonio!

It’s our home state, so we decided we had better make a good showing. That is why we pushed out everything we had for Spring 2020, as well as a couple of books we’ve been perfecting. These new offerings cover the full spectrum of what we publish, including poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. (Of course you can see them all to buy or pre-order on our website at

We’ll be offering all of our books at discount prices at #AWP20. Come by our booth, #1658.