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Book Launch by Huntsville Celebrity, Jan Cole

Invitation flyer for Jan Cole Book Launch

\"JanJan Cole’s poetry book launch November 17, 2018 at the Wynne Home in Huntsville, Texas

On Saturday, November 17 from 5:00-8:00 P.M., the Huntsville Arts Commission is sponsoring a book launch for Jan Cole’s new edition of Sisypha Larvata Prodeat (Sisypha Wearing a Mask Advances), a unique trilingual poetry collection first published in 1987. Many of the poems are set in Huntsville, while others introduce friends Cole has known and made music with around the world. This new edition of the book includes the striking and eclectic art of Mexican artist, Adelina Moya and Chinese translations by Lorrie Lo and Angela Liu.

What reviewers have to say:

These poems are about life, love, friendship, and masks. The rhythmic lines carry quick movements of life . . . They are witty and thought-provoking, funny, [and] agonizing with suggestions of human struggles, and [they are] freshly imagistic . . . 薛西法假面潛行」是本有關生命,友誼與面具的詩集。韻律十足的詩句帶動了生命與思 想的快節奏。它們機智且引人深思,有趣,有暗示人類掙扎的痛苦,也有將憂鬱與蛋重疊 的鮮活意象。大部分的詩都很短,但它們令人有瞬間領悟的時刻。—Dr. Jianqing Zheng (鄭建青英美文學博士)

These poems have given me greater insight into this remarkably talented woman whose low, soft voice and extreme modesty belie an active and passionate inner voice—one which can express universal truths while telling her personal story. 這些詩也助我更深入的領會到, 這個有著非凡天賦的女人,其實在她輕柔,低沉,且極 端謙虛的言語之下,還有一道激情活躍的聲響—在敘述自身故事的同時,還能表達普 世真理的一道聲音。 —Dr. Ralph Pease (洛夫.皮士英美文學博士)


Jan Cole is best known as a musician, composer, linguist and teacher. Studying music at the Paris Conservatory fueled Cole’s love of language as well as music.

Adelina Moya’s art is displayed in galleries around Mexico and Texas. She teaches porcelain, ceramic, watercolor, wood-burning, oil, acrylic and wash techniques.

About Madville Publishing LLC: Madville’s mission is to present language in a playful, imaginative way. They adore code switching and regionalisms from around the world, and publish poetry, fiction, and nonfiction that straddles borders.


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Poetry, Art, and Language!

Sisypha Larvata Prodeat by Jan Cole, art by Adelina Moya in English, French, and Chinese

Multilingual Poetry and Art

We are excited to report that our multilingual poetry book by Jan Cole, Sisypha Larvata Prodeat, is nearing completion. We are equally happy to report that we have received grant funding from the Huntsville Arts Council to help us with promotion for the book and for Huntsville through poetry readings and art display (featuring Adelina Moya\’s vibrant images) at the Wynne Home in Huntsville, Texas. Here is a poster we\’d be honored to have you share. Note that the book cover is not in its final version yet.


ISBN: 978-1-948692-00-7 paper $15.95
6×9. 114 pp.
Literary Poetry, English, Chinese, French
October 2018
Madville Publishing
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Katherine, Kathryn! What a beautiful cover!

Three covers with art by Kathryn Smith for a new poetry collection by Katherine Smith entitled Secret City. The image shows three covers side-by-side. One with a white background one more orange, and one blue.

Take our poll to tell us which cover you like best. It doesn’t mean we’ll change our minds about the one WE like, but it’s always fun to see what everyone thinks!

While Katherine Smith writes beautiful poetry, Kathryn also creates collages we can’t stop looking at.

The story begins with the Madville crew doing some online research about a new poet we had just signed, Katherine Smith. (Secret City, Madville, August 2022). Expect a preorder page to become available for this collection in May. You’ll find that on our homepage,

But back to the reason for the search in the first place, we were looking for inspiration for Katherine Smith’s book cover. We like to start by looking at an author’s previous covers, so we started by looking at Katherine’s Woman Alone on the Mountain (Iris Press, 2014). After that, our eyes were naturally drawn to the really striking collage art of Katheryn Smith, who turned up among our search results. We contacted her about her art before even realizing she is also a poet. Learn more about her at

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Arthur Smith Poetry Prize – Winners

The Parting Glass by Lisa Parker

Winner of The 2021 Arthur Smith Poetry Prize
Look for it September 2022

Jesse Graves, the judge for the 2021 Arthur Smith Poetry Prize, said:

“… moving and memorable in terms of subject matter… accomplished in form and technique. The individual poems are brilliantly expressed, and they add up to sustained and coherent whole. The poet … captures the experiences living [in Appalachia] and moving away and the feelings about the language, beautifully.”

Lisa Parker is a native Virginian, a poet, musician, and photographer. Her book, This Gone Place, won the 2010 Appalachian Studies Association Weatherford Award and her work is widely published in literary journals and anthologies. Her photography has been on exhibit in NYC and published in several arts journals and anthologies.

Splinter by Susan O’Dell Underwood

Finalist for the 2022 Arthur Smith Poetry Prize
Look for it May 2023

Jesse Graves, the judge for the 2021 Arthur Smith Poetry Prize said:

“These poems are wise and generous throughout, and witty at times to provide a balance to the elegiac tone.”

Susan O'Dell Underwood is a native of East Tennessee, where she has lived most of her life. She's the director of creative writing at Carson-Newman University. Besides two chapbooks, she has one full-length collection of poetry, The Book of Awe (Iris, 2018). Her novel Genesis Road is forthcoming from Madville Publishing (June 2022). Her poems and fiction are published and forthcoming in a variety of journals and anthologies, including A Southern Poetry Anthology: Tennessee, Oxford American, Alaska Quarterly Review, and Still: The Journal.